Do you play?

I listened to a great recording tonight(miles davis live around the world) and it brought me back to when I played in a band. Yes in my youth that was the thing to do. I grew up in NYC and everybody I knew either sang or played something. This I believe lead me to obtain the best possible gear I could afford to recreate the music I once played. Mind you I'm no Miles Davis-not close- but one can rememeber and wonder. How about you-did you play and if so how has it effected your recreation of music in your home?

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I played the string bass until I was 16 and I made 4th chair in the Georgia all-state orchestra. I had to fake it much of the time. All timber and no speed. Had to retire, early. But the hair did stand up on the back of my neck playing with that level of musicians and conductor, and hey, we cut an albumn!