Do you have any concern for the environment when keeping your equipment 24/7 ?

Or firing up your big amps.
Please say no or not at all.

Showing 4 responses by falconquest

Here is my two cents.......for what it’s worth. We all need to be concerned about global warming. Temperature, one season, does not indicate "climate". This is NOT a political issue. Having said that, let me share this story. I toured a foundry where large steel gears are, I’m talking LARGE as in measured by feet across. Large and buried in sand for up to 6 months to cool slowly. The electrodes used to melt the steel each night would draw so much amperage that if used during the day in a city with over a million people it would cause a brown out. They could only melt steel at night.

It was then that I realized that while it is important for everyone to do their part for the environment, the vast majority of the consumption lies with industry. If all of the audiophiles in the world left all of their amps on constantly, shutting them off would be analogous to spitting in the ocean to cause the sea level to rise. The same applies to recycling. The vast majority of recycling comes from industry. Once again, household use amounts to nearly nothing in comparison. This does not mean that we can ignore the environment at home since we should all do our part. It’s just that the vast majority of benefit does not come from households, it comes from industry.
This is real fascinating. This will put climate in perspective for you. A long but very interesting conversation.