Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock

It seems that from all the discussions and reveiws, I have read that 99% of the speakers that are reveiwed are done with Classical, opera, jazz or other like music. My question is; Do any of the high end speaker manufacturers make audiophile speakers that are designed for the Rap, Hip-hop, hard rock, loud volume listener???

Showing 1 response by elevick

Commercial speakers (JBL, EV, Klipsch). Most of these will have circuit breakers to avoid damage, they put out loads of bass and are fairly efficient (110db with 100 watts).

Keep in mind that a nice crest or qsc amp would help tremendously. Even though a nice Onkyo receiver may be rated at 110db/THX, it won't keep up that pace with nearly the ease of a nice QSC amp.

Email me if you need a contact for commercial gear.