Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?

O.K. here is one for all the physics majors and engineers.

Does a high mass platter being belt driven offer the same steady inertia/speed as a direct drive or idler drive?
Is the lack of torque in the belt drive motor compensated for by the high mass platter. Object in motion stays in motion etc. Or are there other factors to take into consideration?
I am considering building up a Garrard 301 or Technics SP10, but is it all nonsense about the advantage of torque.
I am aware that the plinths on these tables can make a huge difference, I've got that covered.
My other options would be SME20 or Basis 2500 of Kuzma Stogi Reference etc.
If I have misstated some technical word, please avert your eyes. I don't want a lecture on semantics, I think everyone knows what I mean.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by hifitime

I'm not an engineer,but more mass seems like it would sound better on all drive systems as long as its done right.That will put more load on the bearing too.The softer the rubber used for the idler or drive belt will probably make it more quiet also resulting in a nicer table.One thing we must keep in mind is good maintenance.About 35 years ago,I had a nice turntable that was pricey for me. The belt got loose from age,so I took it to a mid to high end dealer to let them change it.I thought I was hearing something that wasn't right.By the time I looked into it,the motor bearing was destroyed from the junk tight rubber band belt the dealer used.Try to learn about your table to keep an eye on things.