Difference bewteen McCormack DNA-2 & DNA-1 ??

Can someone tell me the difference bewteen the DNA-2 & 1 in terms of specifications,dimensions, circuitry, parts quality, etc.
What is the dimension of the DNA-2?
What are the differences bewteen the DNA-2 Deluxe & Standard version?
Which amp is better value for the money?

Showing 1 response by stehno

There is also the DNA-2 LAE (Limited Anniversary Edition) which according to one reviewer IAR's Peter Moncrief labeled the best solid state amp made in 1998/1999. It is supposedly head and shoulders over the DNA-2 Deluxe and standard DNA-2. Same power output but different transistors, etc.. and cost $2000 more than the deluxe.

I bought a used DNA-2 LAE last summer and love it. Rumor has it that the LAE version is about or almost as good as any DNA-2 Revision A.

McCormack only made 50 DNA-2 LAE's.

If you were interested in a DNA-2 or DNA-1, your most cost efficient strategy would be to purchase a used DNA standard version and then have Steve modify it to a REV A for $2500.