Definitely lonely to be an audiophile

Today Ricardo Arjona is broadcasting a virtual concert, I know most of you English natives don't care, but let's imagine is someone you like from "these" times, English speaking artist.

The neighbors have a crappy TV streaming the concert, really bad quality, my wife is upstairs watching on TV, really bad as well.

I do like his songs so I'm in my living room listening to his previous Hires records, on my super system, and I can hear next door the TV broadcasting and I'm wondering what the heck, am I crazy, I rather be alone enjoying the sound from previous Hires recordings, than socially sharing that "noise", it does makes me lonely though, I like social interactions, it is who I am, but definitely being an audiophile makes you an outcast. Just another dilemma, acceptance is bliss
Good night everybody


Showing 1 response by asvjerry

Wow, I've been around to see 'It'.
A subject that hasn't broke into friction and fuss.....;)

Yep, pretty much solo but nice when one has company.  The majority around here can't be called 'audio addicted', so they merely pass through.

Most is played at desk, when the activity allows for it.  The 'main playground' can be work as well and is used for such on occasion.

*G*.....and bigger is better to some degrees.

Not retired, nor interested, really.  I'm a partner with spouse so it's really not an option.  I'm looking forward to 'backing off' on certain aspects of that...however....
....but Full Stop would make me*L*

There are the times I will sit still, with whatever at hand in hand.

Sit, staring at the wall, and listening to the ghosts playing in front of it... 

Not perfect, perhaps.  Your results vary, too. ;)

Cheerios, J