Decisive moments your your audio journey

Have you had any truly decisive moments in your time in this hobby? 

I would have to point back to the first time I ever heard Magnepans, it was a “whoa what was that moment?” moment. That was in the 1980’s. It was the first time I ever truly heard reproduced music that got the midrange right, without it being squished 


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DQ10s for sure were the first 'moment'.

Magnepans in another college dorm room a couple years later.

I will never forget the 'he is in the room singing' feeling from hearing Frank Sinatra on vinyl in Honolulu 1990. It was at a high end shop on great bookshelf speakers via a turntable and electronics (all quality but names forgotten).

That moment really showed me for the first time how magical music could sound if portrayed superbly. It convinced me to upgrade everything and the disease started...