Daryls House - some great takes on familar songs

Check out You Tube and search on Daryls House.
There's 108 songs performed by Daryl Hall with various artists - - Smokey R., Todd R., Pat M., ..... so many more.
Performed at his studio in Sherman CT.
Some of the songs are really cool....
Enjoy :)

Showing 3 responses by tostadosunidos

Notec, have you actually watched or listened to the show? The point of my previous post is that even a non-believer might like it.
I never expected to like this show because, well, Hall & Oates were not my cup of tea back in that time. But Daryl has really impressed me with his voice and overall musicianship. My favorites are the Joe Walsh episode and the one with Billy Gibbons. Strangely, I so far haven't liked what I saw with Todd, and I am a fan from his early solo days and time with NAZZ. Anyway, Daryl's a hell of a good musician and surround himself with the same.