current versus watts

Seems like all high quality amps clearly describe output in watts , with the best amps doubling output as impedance is is halved. But, I do not see(often) specs on current ? why is this ? Is high current as important to quality dynamic sound as high watts. If so, what are the general ranges of current output that would be acceptable for a high quality amp. For example, if you have a 300 watt/channel amp that doubles from 8 to 4 ohm, what would be strong current output ?

Apologize for the simple question and feel free to direct me to earlier post that might deal with this issue
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Showing 1 response by magfan

My panels have a 4 amp fuse on the mid/tweet. I simply can't see them making use of much more than about 7 or 8 amps continuous...though i may be wrong.

As for my ICE amps 45amp rating?


Can anyone point me at a fuse time/current chart which will show HOW MUCH overcurrent a fuse can take and for HOW LONG?
I know fuses are NOT a 'brick wall' already.