current versus watts

Seems like all high quality amps clearly describe output in watts , with the best amps doubling output as impedance is is halved. But, I do not see(often) specs on current ? why is this ? Is high current as important to quality dynamic sound as high watts. If so, what are the general ranges of current output that would be acceptable for a high quality amp. For example, if you have a 300 watt/channel amp that doubles from 8 to 4 ohm, what would be strong current output ?

Apologize for the simple question and feel free to direct me to earlier post that might deal with this issue
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Showing 1 response by blindjim


>>“Seems like all high quality amps clearly describe output in watts , with the best amps doubling output as impedance is is halved.”<<

You don’t actually think that do you?

Nearly every body is aware of the term ‘watts’ as it applies to an amps output…. Even novices & beginners, to one extent or another. Some will even say an amp is better than another due to the watts it puts out…. But such statements are quite shortsighted and very inexperienced.

“Watt” is the representation of the relationships between curren, voltage, and resistance or load.

Watts = an easier way to describe one facet of amplification usually…. It’s not the end all be all of amps however. I wish it were that simple!

From a somewhat less naive perspective, it could be said one amp is subjectively ‘better’ than another, without respect to the power output characteristics, judging by the sound of it instead…. Or by how much it sells for… Or by it’s design topology… Or merely by it’s classification, A; A/B; D; Tube; SS; Transformer coupled, truly balanced, or even it’s output devices.

However, there are other deliberations which will conclude if one amp is bested by some other… not purely by it’s numbers.

Whether or not an amplifier doubles up it’s power output as impedance is halved, is one thing…. Maybe a mechanical need or maybe not, for some, but as the sound being produced is of paramount import, how it produces power should not be the singular consideration or even a thoughtful way to categorize which amp is better than another at all.

When the specs of an amplifier gains more respect than does it’s voice… within reasonable thought to the application, inordinate frustration and suffering may ensue due to the lack of synergy any old amp will yield once set into a finely tuned existing setup, just because it’s power doubles down!

Still common ground needs be in place so all can speak ‘audio-ese’, at least a little. Amp makers start saying this one puts out 5.5 A or 85 V, and darn few will be able to apply such info as they seek the right sound/amp for their intended purposes. So they use a commonly known term more can relate to with which to somewhat better position their power products into.

It is indeed about far more than the amount of watts on tap very often. Usually it is about what kind of watts, instead.