Counterpoint SA-3.1 and 5.1

I never see these pre-amps available. I remember them as very easy to listen to while having quite a bit of detail. Are they all dead or is it that no one wants to part with them?

Showing 1 response by sean

As someone that makes a living doing modifications on electronics, it's very easy to take a basic design, alter components in terms of values, parts quality, etc.., re-align & fine tune the new stuff and end up with something completely different. Even though it still looks the same, feels the same, has the same features, chassis & power supply, you would in effect have something that was FAR superior to the original "penny pinched mass produced" model that you started off with.

To add to Albert's comments about starting off with a product that you liked to begin with and then expanding upon it from there, it might not even matter. Through changing components and circuitry, you could take something that you hated and turn it into something that you absolutely love ( or vice-versa ). Just because it is the same basic "box" does not mean it will remain similar in electrical characteristics or sonics. Sean