counterfeit NBS cables

.Anybody heard anything about forging NBS cables, or any other cables for that matter? I was warned by Walter Fields of NBS, as well as other NBS dealers (like the cable company) not to purchase NBS cables on the used market lest they be fakes. On the other hand, when I suggested Fields to help me and check the used cables for their authenticity, he refused. I find this all disconcerting.

Showing 1 response by hiend1680e52

yes . go to buy from dealer or manufacture . then after
you want resale on second market . see what they tell to customer . i have same problem with MIT
when i want to buy in second market . mit tell
me go to dealer buy current product . due to fake cable and try to tell you 2 year ago item list $8.000 sound perfermance not even close they current model $1.000. this is dealer and manufacture suggestion . want customer pay full price .