Corner speaker placement

I`d like to hear from those that have used this configuration and what the acoustic result was. Soundstage, etc.


Showing 1 response by shadorne

You will excite all room axial modes in the extreme LF bass. In the 125 to 350 Hz range you may get some suckout or cancellations from rear wall relfections. You will also get reflections off the side walls which can also hurt the mid and treble response (making sound claustrophobic and harsh).

If you must use a corner then make sure it is not evenly spaced to each wall and consider a PARC.

It is rarely a good location for any speaker unless your room is non rectangular (highly irregular)...although a subwoofer can sometimes work in that position provided it does only the lowermost octave (20 to 40Hz) and is heavily (actively) filtered above this.

Any room dependent resonances tend to be accentuated by corner placement.