Copper Deterioration?

I've read many horror stories of really expensive copper cables going brown, etc due to oxidation.

Why would anybody buy expensive cable made of copper when they will go bad over time?

I hear silver cables, when oxidized, actually get BETTER. Is the same true for silver plated copper?

My current view is why waste the money on pricey copper when there's a shelf life on these guys!!

Please advise...........

Showing 2 responses by unsound

All conductors will oxidize with time. The only possible exception might be the carbon ones used in Van den Hull, but I don't know. Silver will before copper. And I can't imgine why this would be a good thing. Copper is fairly inexpensive considering how well it works. Silver works better but is much more expensive. Mind you better in as a pure conductor not necessarily as subjectively sounding better. Most well made cables should provide more than decent service for quite a while. Connectors should be periodically maintained as this where most oxidation will occur. Many feel that the connectors are the most important part of cables. Besides what other alternatives do we have?
Sean, please share your results with us. May I suggest keeping a daily log as to temperature and humidty. An outstanding project idea. Bravo!