Contact cleaners/What's good?

What is your favorite contact cleaner/treatment product? I used to use something called Cramolin (which I can no longer find). I replaced the Cramolin with a small bottle of De-Oxit which worked well on the used equipment that I have purchased as well as the outlets. Unfortunately the bottle of De-Oxit was tossed out by accident when we recently cleaned out under the sink and I need a new bottle of something, preferably a one step treatment unless their is a good reason to use one that is multi-step. I had also wanted to try it on tube sockets as well (another piece of used gear) and wonder if this is advised. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by bob_bundus

Regular alcohol is not good because there's lanolin in it (an oil). Denatured alcohol is OK though; recommended on tape heads, pinch rollers, etc. so that's good for contact cleaning too. Pro Gold also contains an oil film, which, although it theoretically prevents contact oxidation, the oil helps attract dust accumulation into a connector & you really don't want that. Kontact or Audioquest Ultraconnect are both good & pure non-residue cleaners. Although I'm not for sure, I believe that Caig DeOxit is non-residue cleaner too - can anyone confirm this?
be careful about using anything containing even small amounts of water on tape heads - they rust!