Conrad johnson vs. Mccormack

Which would be better for 2-channel(70%) and H/T(30%) with Maggies- Conrad johnson or Mccormack pre and power amp combinations?

Showing 2 responses by john_l

I tend to prefer tubes to solid state as well, but I must note that solid state is superior in some ways. The bass response of a solid state amp is much better than a tube amp , even large ones. I too have a mccormack amp (DNA1RevA/partial Gold), and am looking for recommendations for a good tube preamp for it.
Update: I tried out the AI Modulus 3A (a two month old one), and I found that I actually preferred my adcom 750 passive preamp. Part of this is due to the ergonomics. The 3A has very coarsly stepped non-remote attenuators. It added tiny bit of euphony, and removed a tiny bit of detail. The euphony was not worth the ergonomic difficulty.