Congratulations to Marco

Has anyone seen the full-page birthday card to Paul Klipsch in the most recent Stereophile (p. 59) or AudioXpress (first inside page)? It's not an ad from the company, but a 100-year birthday memorial placed by PK's loving wife. The graphic design is by our own Marco Prozzo (Jax2), and I want to compliment him on an excellent job!

It will be included in the upcoming edition of TAS as well. I think the AudioXpress presentation is nicer than the Stereophile one, because it appears next to a less "busy" page. Cheers Marco!

Showing 1 response by jordi

Hey Marco I knew you had talent that why Maureen and i paid the bill!!! In fact that is why we hired you in the first place. We needed someone who could do his job as well as Paul Klipsch did his. Hell there has not been a speaker at any price that has come along in 56 years that could bring the realism of music into the home better than a LaScala or a Klipschorn, and there is not a better artistic talent in the world that you my friend