Comparison Living Voice IBX-R2 to OBX-R2?

How do Living Voice internal cross-over speakers (IBX-R2 & IBX-RW) compare to their OBX models? I'm not in the position to audition them and was hoping someone who has could comment. The Living Voice website indicates there is a subtle difference in favor of the OBX models.

Showing 2 responses by salectric

I heard the OBX-R2 twice recently, at the Capital AudioFest and at RMAF, each time with Border Patrol electronics. I had high hopes for the speakers given the praise in various reviews. Each time however I was disappointed finding the overall sound lacking in subtle detail. In both rooms, the speakers were positioned so that the center axis of each speaker crossed in front of the listener. I don't know how this positioning may have affected the sound. I am sure they would sound different if set up differently and run with other electronics, but the two times I heard them I was not impressed.