Comments on Rotel RSX 972 and 1065 Receiver?

Looking for your comments and experiences with those two receivers. I will be using them with a budget DVD player (for now) and NHT VT/VS1.2 speakers in a medium-sized room (15'x22'). Cables will be old MIT T2s and T5s left over from my 2-channel rig upgrade. Would the 972 have enough juice for the NHTs, or should I go for the bigger and newer 1065?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Whknopp0713,

Are you using the Rotel/NHT setup for mostly HT or music? I have a separate rig for 2-channel music, so I am more concerned about HT performance for this system than it being musical...

I did check out, but so far only one review on the 1065 (although plenty on the 972) has been posted. Are you planning to upgrade from the 965?
I have a 965, which had a reputation for glitches but sounded easily superior to anything at its price point (personally, I have had no problems with mine). I run NHT Super Ones in a room about as big as yours. It makes for a nice system, but nothing that will blow you away. I haven't heard the new one, but my guess is that Rotel learned their lessons with the 965 and improved the product significantly. Check out for more opinions.