Comments about Nottingham quirks

In this month's 2009 analog issue of "The Absolute Sound" there is a review of the Nottingham interspace Jr. that seems pretty bad. I was considering a 294 until I read how annoying most operations of the Nottingham are. The weird thing is they list the 249 as one the best recommendations even though it has the same quirks as the interspace Jr. Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by davt

I am usually not very critical of these write ups but this one was a little over the top. There is good reason not to use a finger lift on a unipivot design, I have gotten so used to the "kick start" on my nottingham that an on/off switch is a pain, and I have never heard a hum comming from a nottingham cable. This was a very poorly done review,in my opinion, as the complaints could be attributed to the reviewer really not knowing what he was doing. As for the plug and play mentality. That really is not very supportive of the professional audio dealer. My Nottingham was set up completely, adjusted perfectly and has worked flawlessly for the past three years.