Coincident Statement RC Preamp

I noticed at Coincident's website they have a remote control version of the Statement Preamp.

They say there is a sonic compromise compared to the non rc Statement .

Has anyone listened to it ?

Has anyone listened to both ?

I have Total Victory IV speakers and Frank's 330b amps .
I will update my current preamp ( Supratek Cortese )within 6 months and Coincident products have never disappointed me.

Any input is appreciated.



Showing 2 responses by isochronism

Hello Bill,
I saw your post before it had any responses and would have recommended the CSL as the obvious choice, which I still would. Having a good idea that Charles would answer soon enough and with backed experience, I held off.
I have a purist's approach to my system, so remotes are a luxury, plus I like to grope and fondle the pretty knobs:) I have the Wavelength Cardinal XS (paired with Doshi Alaap) which are neck and neck with the Franks, as you know. I use Sophia RP's simply because I got a great deal on a barely used quad set.
Otherwise, EML XLS would be where I'd certainly go.
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
That is what Charles is saying:)