Clarus Crimson - Dealers?

Can anyone think of some dealers who carry the Clarus Crimson cables, and may be willing to ship me some demo cables at my expense? Preferably dealers in the Pacific Northwest?

I’ve completed some tests of other cables but before concluding my search I really want to test Clarus Crimson cables based on what everyone says about them. Everyone with experience with them seems to think they are as good if not better than anything out there, despite wide-ranging equipment, AND tastes.

I am putting the effort in to track down a dealer who is willing to send me some demos of these.

If anyone knows who I should contact, please let me know!

As you know I have Clarus Crimson speaker cables. I prefer the Clarus over several speaker cables that I've heard in my system. I wouldn't use the word "better", but "preferred" based on my system and my preferences. No absolutes in Audio, only preferences.