Cheater plugs with amplifiers?

Tracked down the source of hum in my system, it was my amplifiers. Using "cheater" plugs solves the problem. Question, does the use of cheaters cause a potential fire hazard? Thanks all!

Showing 2 responses by dekay

I have always assumed that let's say an ungrounded power amp (at the power cord) would be grounded by the IC's running to a grouded preamp and or something else that "is" grounded down the line.. Is this faulty thinking?
Thanks, I get it. One for power and one for signal. I also have never had the chassis of any gear become "hot" and have used some pretty ancient, though well maintained (by professionals) tube gear in the past. Though, I did have a close call with a Hafler 500 power amp that I purchased used and owned for a short period of time. When I was checking out the internals after purchase I discovered a cracked connection on the integral power cord that could have shorted from tension on the cord in time, and since it was being used as a PA amp and being moved around a lot, Murphy's law probably would have prevailed. Fortunately it just required re-soldering.