CEC TL0X not playing long CD

Anyone experienced this problem with this or other transports - I have seen some claims this can be a problem in "high end" - mine will not play right through a FIM sampler that is 86 minutes long.


Showing 1 response by swampwalker

Well, FWIW, 86 minutes exceeds the redbook standard, which is 72 minutes. According to Wikipedia:
"Red Book Audio Specifications
The basic specifications state that
1. Maximum playing time is 74 minutes (including pauses)
2. Minimum duration for a track is 2 seconds
3. Maximum number of tracks is 99
4. Maximum number of index points (subdivisions of a track) is 99 with no maximum time limit
5. International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) should be included"

So the problem is that your player conforms to the spec but your disc does not. Some would argue the disc is not even a CD.