CDP isolation platforms

This is a new area of research for me. Therefore, any and all suggestions regarding your favorite CDP isolation platforms/systems is greatly appreciated. Also, please include what you believe to be the strengths/weaknesses of your pick(s). Thanks.

Showing 1 response by glreno

I have used / use Aurios, Seismic Sinks, cones of every type, and have a set of Roller Blocks coming. Without a doubt, the best isolation device I have used for a CD player is the Machina Dynamica Nimbus. It's expensive, but is more effective than anything else I've used. It is $700 - $800 and is hard to set up, but it works very well. Check it out at I use Aurios under my pre-amp and amp. I will probably put the Roller Blocks under my P600. Just about everything seems to benefit from isolation devices. By the way, all of my Seismic Sinks had to be sent back after a couple of years to get the surface re-attached to the bladders. Michael Green Audio Points substituted for the feet on the Seismic Sink increase performance.