Care to share your scams?

There's a current scammer alert thread about a scammer from H.K. Care to share your scams (more precisely , your scammeds)? Doesn't have to be in audio either and leave the
biggest scam of all, the stock market, out of it.
My worst one was 12 years ago in the hands of a 'friend' from Texas (friends are usually the best scammers ) who showed me tons of great oil exploration reports from an oilfield his family just acquired. I knew nothing about drilling for oil , just that he was a friend ! Anyway, in audio terms, it's a WAMM down the drain. I just never learn:"when it looks too good...

Showing 1 response by snooker14

Hey Thunders, how about when you don't believe the guy about the stuff in the purple tin foil so you take it all at once and he really was telling the truth when he said to quarter it and I keep wondering if I'm ever coming back and then again do I really care and....Oh, wait a minute here, this really didn't happen to me, I mean I'm pretty sure it was someone else....yea, it was you wasn't it? Say, have you ever tried to beat a street hustler at 3-card monte???????