Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.

The format is dying and too expensive to repair properly. Heads wear out so easy and many out there are all worn.
High quality technicians are either retired or long gone. Its such an inconvenient format that can be equalled by nakamichi easily in tape decks.
Retire it please put them in museums. 

Showing 7 responses by geoffkait

If a good CD is recorded to reel, the playback is pure "analog". What you have, is a noise free LP.

>>>>>Unfortunately for that theory the noise and distortion occurs as soon as the laser reads the CD. And the missing information and noise cannot be corrected by any means. The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.
Help me out. Is it true that streaming is for folks who gave up? Yes, I know they say hi res. 😬
I’m generalizing but - at least for me - cassettes sound rich, natural, dynamic, sweet, have more sparkle and presence compared directly to their CD counterparts, which sound thin, compressed, synthetic, bland and uninteresting. Cassettes are portable, too! Is the world deaf?
Imho untreated CDs played on untreated CDPs sound thin, two-dimensional, bland, wooly, rolled off, bass shy, generic, like there’s missing information, synthetic, unmusical, metallic, weird, uninteresting, non-coherent, laughable, screechy, thumpy, compressed, like paper mache.
I used to listen to 8 tracks on a Wollensak tape made in U.S.A. tape deck through Stax electrostatic headphones. Was that wrong?
Grammar alert 🚨 Not to mention Brer Fox and Tar Baby routine alert 🚨