Can Vandy's get along with cats?

I'm currently a proud owner of a pair of Vandersteen 3A sig., and am considering getting a cat. I've held off up to this point because I'm concerned that the cat would shred the socks on the Vandersteens. It's a big enough concern that I have thought about getting different speakers. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with cats and Vandersteens sharing the same space. Has this worked for anyone in the past?

Thank you very much,

Showing 4 responses by douglas_schroeder

He didn't abuse the cat; he disposed of an unwanted cat, similar to the way unwanted children are aborted. :(
Wolf, I think you missed my sarcasm; I was pointing out the wretchedness of wanton killing of animals and the infant in the womb. Babies in utero assaulting stereos do not enter the picture, at least the picture I was painting.

Perhaps you disagree, but let's not be puerile about it. ;)

Wolf, my comment was meant to evoke a strong response, as there were strong moral judgments made previously in the thread. If you feel it's inappropriate because you disagree with it, so be it. :)

Manituc, an interesting thought. I would suggest that one's definition of what "basic humanity" is would dictate whether they agree with your sentiment. A Humanist and a Theist will have radically different conclusions as to what constitutes "basic humanity", from which each will derive their accepted vs. unaccepted behaviors and mores for society. It would also, I suppose, determine how inflamed their conscience might be by a given act considered to be against their worldview's standards.

But as to the presence of a cat in the home, not for me. We have a Shi Tzu, a smaller non-shedding, quiet tempered dog which has been ideal. I saw the lead up question, "Can we get a dog," forming in the minds of my wife and kids, so I beat them to it and told her I would get her a dog for her birthday. It's 8 years later and she still thanks me! Of course, the dog has ruined the kitchen lino with his nails running in the house, but narry a mark on anything connected with audio - truly a good dog! :)