Buy a $40,000 used DAC for $4,000 or a new one for the same amount?

The advancements in DAC technology make them one of this hobby's most perishable products. But ... what if you can buy a 10 year old DAC for $4,000 that initially cost $40,000? Is it a bargain or waste of money compared to a new DAC that is $4,000? I understand it depends on the specific model etc. But in general, has the technology gotten that much better? And how quickly will the new DAC become outdated? Is it like computers? Past their prime about 3-4 years so you plan to replace them regularly? Thanks for all comments

Showing 1 response by dht4me

I have the Audio Note DAC 5 which has the newest 6463 tube gain boards. I have tried close to a dozen new dacs and none of them except the Berkeley are in the same league as this magical unit based on VERY old school tech. It is so dynamic, textural, holographic, extended with a slightly cool balance. Sure it "only" does 96khz due to the input reciever chip which is upgrade-able but redbook and anything up to 96k is just so far ahead of the latest units I have heard it makes me wonder where the hell have things gone wrong with the advancement of technology.  This does NOT mean that any old school DAC will be a wonder child but at the same time it calls into question the difference between high tech specs vs implementation.