Burnin CDs? Sound loss/degration question

General concensus when copying digital material is that there is no loss of sound quality...however...when I burn Cdrs on my pc...from other Cds...not mp3s...they sound compressed and dull...my fried has a professional TASCAM cd burner...and the results are about the same...any thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by rives

Buckingham has it right except for the $1000 CD Recording. The new Yamaha recordings make great CDs. I just bought one. It claims it can burn at some ridiculous rate, but I use it at 1x for audio and 8x for data. The audio sounds fantastic. As to where to get Mitsui CD-Rs:
I bought the Yamaha CRW-F1 CD recorder. I don't recall where I bought it--it was online somewhere and was not terribly expensive (under $300 I believe). Of course you can get a recorder for much less, but this one suited my needs and has performed remarkably well.