Building shielded IC's. Should both shield ends be terminated at the RCA, or only one?

I'm building some interconnects that are shielded, and as my question states, are both shield ends terminated at their respective RCA connector bodies, or only one? If one is not terminated, which is better left unterminated, the source end, or the receiving end?

I tried finding this out but couldn't find an answer, I'm sure someone here knows the answer.

Thanks much,
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Showing 1 response by stringreen

Shielded cable provides a "closed in" sound. If you need it its one thing...but try to do without it. I built my power cords from top of the line Furutech and Oyeida connections with Accrolink cable.....I like the Furutech a bit better, but they’re both good...(they look like carbon fiber...nice looking)