Bose Accumass EQ

I recently purchased 4 Bose Accumass speakers for my office. I didn't realize I also needed an EQ as with the 901's and maybe most of their speakers. Per Bose, one can not buy the EQ separately. Does anyone know where one can be found?
Bose said the module wasn't available by itself through them, but I found one locally. I realize Bose makes most people cringe, but for my office, they're fine. I bought a Klipcsh SW 112 to go with them.
I am speaker poor, but needed something really small. They don't sound too bad for what they are. Don't be too concerned-I have plenty of quality speakers to charm my ears.
Handyman, you have clearly lost your way with your Bose purchase. We are here to you put them on the bay as quickly as you can.
You could call Bose and tell them that the EQ unit was lost during a home move/relocation. See what they say. Kinda hard to believe that they'd turn away a customer in that situation, but who knows?

Good Luck

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