Best speakers for Pass Aleph 30 ?

I´m loocking for speakers for my Pass Aleph 30. Can you recomend anyone ?
I know that many people use Living Voice, Reference 3a or Cain & Cain speakers, but I couldn´t listen them.
I will apreciate all your recomendations.

Showing 1 response by asonicyouth

i have the living voice obx-r2s and i run them with an italian 845 based SET amp which sounds insanely good. But a friend of mine recently brought over the new aelph J (also a 30 w/ch design) and i was absolutely floored by how wonderful it sounds. I have never been into solid state but if i ever went that route, i would go with that amp and im sure your amp sounds similar since the J is just the newer 30. Hope this helps, i know im rambling a bit