best overall speakers at low volume?

Many reviews go on about how loud you can crank 'XYZ' speaker, but I listen at lower levels, appreciating the imaging, fullness of sound across the spectrum, dynamic range, shared sense of space, etc.

Anyone out there with suggestions?

I have vinyl and tube gear only. Price not relevant to this particular discussion, but later I will have to sort out the list based on my budget. Thanks for your thoughts!

Showing 1 response by bigshutterbug

I agree with Dweller and Zmanastronomy. At low listening levels, it has to do with the quality of the attenuator in your electronics (integrated or pre-amp) as to how much detail will be delivered to your amp section and speakers.
When it comes to speakers, the simpler the crossover (or even better, no crossover) such as the full range drivers in the De Capo's tend to reveal more.