Best of value-based systems

As a long-time audio enthusiast, I have watched with interest as the hobby has evolved from a budget-driven search for the best sound, to a hobby that seems increasingly driven by how much expendable income one has. No offense meant to the younger 'philes with lots of techno-money, but simply buying expensive gear isn't what the audio hobby is all about. Most of my system has been assembled from used equipment, with a strong emphasis on VALUE for the dollar. Hence, I have largely eschewed "audio jewelry". I'd be very interested in hearing from others who have built systems on the concept of most "bang for the buck". What components do you think provide the maximum quality/audio return for the dollar?

Showing 1 response by exley_9971b9

Dekay: I listened to the Isis speakers and found them very bright. they were fine when listening to classical and jazz, but as soon as I played some good old rock and roll, it became evident the highs were etched. I think even if you listen only to classical that these speakers would be very fatiguing. In other words, I don;t think it's your source, IMO.