Best Keith Jarrett records

I've heard bits and pieces of his music and performances here and there and would love to own some of it on vinyl. There are many used KJ records at my local record store, but I wouldn't know where to begin. I'd like to ask for your opinions on what you consider best among Keith Jarrett records. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by actusreus

Thanks Swampwalker. I'll definitely check if they have this release, but I'd love to own some of his work in a quarter, or quintet, which are always my favorite formations when it comes to jazz.
What a terrific list of suggestions and posts; thank you so very much! I hope I'm not imagining it, but I believe I saw "Nude Ants," and "Hymns Spheres" in the store. I will check later this week. I saw some of his performances on youtube and his grunting didn't seem to bother me that much, but then again it was youtube, not my system.

I will share with you what I find. Happy holidays and happy listening!
The store had Hymns/Spheres and that's about it from the list of recommendations here. I sampled that record and it's just not my cup of tea. They also had "Expectations," "Spirits," "Staircase," "Fort Yawuh," "The Judgment,"and "Invocations/The Moths and the Flame." I purchased "Expectations" and it's pretty intriguing; I feel as if I need at least several listening sessions to actually gauge the character of that recording. As for other recordings, as good as Keith is, I just need more than one instrument to get into the music.