best amp to drive Gallo 3.1's?

Any thoughts would be welcome -- The Valve Audio Exclaime 100 just won't do it....
DPogue-- forgive my ignorance, but, where can i find the monoblocks you recommend? Price?
Has anyone tried the resistor tweak for the Gallo's? While the bass rolls off significantly below about 60hz, I do not mind that so much as the somewhat bloated sound at the crossover point....
Oceanica, sorry but you can't. My SET monoblocks were designed and built by a friend. I can provide a schematic if you contact me off line, but the builder has moved out of our area and AFAIK has not constructed any more than the 3 pairs he built a couple years ago. I was running Conrad Johnson Premier 12s (140wpc) at the time I first heard them and there was no contest at all. They use Magnequest trannies, 845W output tubes. EL-34 driver tubes (Mullard Xf1's currently in mine,) and 6N7 input tubes (Mullard ECC31's in mine) with solid state rectification. That's three tubes per side. Dave
I own Gallo 3.1's in two systems. I use a Classe DR-8 (70wpc but high current) and BAT VK-500 with BATPAK (250wpc and enough current to act as an arc welder). I don't think the 3.1's need a ton of juice, these happen to be the amps I use and I'm very happy with the results.