Basis TT /Walker Motor Controller?SDS- 220 volts?

Can anyone tell me whether Basis tables can be easily "converted" to operate at 220 volt? This is a trivial matter on a Lingoed LP12 or an SME....but can't find any info for Basis. I have also noticed that some Basis TT owners use the Walker Precission Motor Drive (or the SDS) to fine tune the speed. Is this unit easily switchable between 220 and 120? How about the VPI SDS? Though these might seem somewhat trivial questions, the answers will likely determine whether I go for a Basis or an SME table as my next upgrade. Many thanks for any light you might shed on this....

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Alexc, my experience was brief with the SME 20, and the system not fully familiar, but my feeling on it was that it was pretty much on the same level as my Basis (an Ovation which has been upgraded for all intents and purposes to a Debut Mk. V vacuum), but not an improvement. I preferred the sound of a Basis 2800 in that system marginally (felt it had a "blacker" background), but part of the difference might have been in the Graham vs. SME arms as well. The SME 30, on the other hand, which I heard on a number of occasions in a more familiar set-up, did have an ease and naturalness around it that seemed a level up from my Basis.

I can't add much more to Albert's excellent post; I too use a Walker motor drive with my Basis, principally because before the upgrade I had to change the pulley spindle each time I wanted to change speeds, a genuine pain in the rear (since the upgrade Basis now has a two-level pulley spindle, so I technically don't need the Walker for speed control, but it works so well at cleaning up the sound I've kept it). If you can contact Lloyd it might be worth it, as he may be able to make a custom model for you.