Barometric pressure, temperature, moon phase?

I’m off work tomorrow, made sausage and peppers for dinner, and now I’m enjoying a Sazerac on a beautiful summer evening, listening to Joni Mitchell.  All is right with the world, at least at my house.  But...  the stereo sounds ever so slightly, not quite there.  It did the other day, but tonight, it’s missing some tiny bit of something.  Has this ever been experienced by any of you out there?  One day magnificent, another day, just ever so slightly not quite as good.  Atmospheric conditions?  Mood? Magnets?  Thoughts?
Sure....everything changes everything....a local airport with radar on, power grid, a/c, tv in the next room, etc.
Viridian, now that’s truly sage advice.

erik, no class D, Parasound JC1 monos, and the rig has been running for several hours.  When not active, they’re always in stand by mode.

stringreen, yep, everything is always in the mix.

I’ve noticed this phenomenon from time to time, and tried to think through what variables might be causing it when I notice it.  Still no answer, but it done make me appreciate it more when the whole thing sounds great.  Silver linings...
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+1 kosst_amojan! Hearing perception is the most variable factor in the listening experience!