Ayre XK-R vs Pass Lab XP-20?

Currently having Pass Lab XP-20 preamp and X350.5 amp,
I assum the whole Pass gear would match perfectly, but seems MBL 6010D (2010 model) and Ayre XK-R are excellent.
have anyone compared red hot Ayre XK-R preamp with XP-20, is it worthy to spend 6K more for XK-R.

Showing 1 response by bjbcab


No offense but I see you have the K5xe which is a good pre but not close to the KX-R. I owne the K5xe MP and auditioned the KX-R in direct comparison. I loved the KX-R but I could not swing the extra cost.

If I may suggest the MP upgrade if you have not already done so. It is well worth the $250-300 cost.