Ayre QB-9 DSD or Codex?

I don’t need the preamp function of the codex and the optical input is not a big deal for me. In terms of pure sound quality of USB input which is better? I’ve read that the QB-9 has a slight edge but I have yet to hear the Codex.

Also considering the Esoteric D-07x.

Any input on these would be fantastic.

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Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

The Ayre Codex DAC is in current production while the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC is not. 

The sound quality of my Codex DAC is excellent and I suggest you give it listen. I use my Codex DAC as a DAC and its sound quality is excellent.  I also used the Codex DAC as a pre-amp with great results.

i am not  familar with the Esoteric D-07x unit.   Several years ago I had the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC and believe the Codex DAC sounds better but everyone has a different opinion on this. 

I suggest you audition the Ayre Codex DAC.