Ayre K-5xe preamp and turntable issues

I have 2 turntables with built-in phono pre-amps.  I have connected each through my Ayre K-5xe pre-amp.  In both cases the volume is so low, even if I turn the Ayre all the way up, the sound is minimal.  I am connecting the RCA cables from the turntable to the RCA ins on the Ayre.  Might anyone help me understand what the issue might be?  Much thanks.  


Which turntables do you own that have built-in phono pre-amps? Are the built-in phono pre-amps defeatable via a switch? Or do you have separate RCA outputs for internal pre-amp and external pre-amp? Lastly, it is unlikely that any turntable has a built-in phono pre-amp that is switchable for both MM and MC cartridges. I'm not familiar with a TT that has this feature. All of the TTs I'm familiar with only support MM cartridges via the internal phono pre-amp, if they even have an internal phono pre-amp at all.

Good Luck. Hope you figure it out and get to enjoy your vinyl.

Turntables are a Sony with defeatable switch, however Ayre does not have phono pre built in. The other table is a circa 1970ish Technics SL-10. One table has MC the other MM. neither are providing good output.

A Google search of Technics SL-10 found this:

The SL-10 came equipped with the Technics EPS-310MC moving-coil cartridge. Due to the low output of the moving-coil cartridge, the SL-10 includes a built-in, bypassable step-up preamp to allow it to connect to standard phono inputs.

I think you would still need a phono stage, with gain, to get suitable volume. I think the step-up only steps the output up to the same level as a MM cartridge.


Regarding your Sony, I don't know. Either you have the switch turned off, the switch/phono pre-amp is not working, or the cartridge is a low-output cartridge.

I think you likely need to buy a phono pre-amp to put between your TT and Ayre pre-amp.

Good Luck, and Best Regards...