Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence

My Aurender N10 is not sorting my Tidal albums in correct sort by artist sequence. For example, the letter H albums are listed after the letter A and albums in letter C and D are mixed up, etc.   I emailed Aurender Customer Support and also logged an on line support request and waiting for them to respond.

This is the 2nd time this error has occurred on my unit and I am concerned. The first time, Aurender found and deleted the single Tidal album causing the sort problem.  

The incorrect sort occurs when sort by artist is selected. As was suggested, I logged into Tidal on my Mac computer and the sort by artist sequence was perfect. I deleted the Aurender App on my iPad and re-installed. I still have the problem.

Anyone else having this problem? Another other suggestions?  Thanks. 
I was told that Tidal album content disappears when Tidal no longer has the streaming rights to the album contents. For example, Tidal lost rights on David Chesky records and Claire Martin. Peter Gabriel is also one of them and also a very limited albums by Phil Collins.

How does the Aurender App handle Tidal albums that are missing content or have metadata problems? For example, my Sabre Dance album was missing content and it caused my sort by artist to get messed up.  I emailed this question to Aurender.  

Obviously, missing album content is a problem that the Aurender App needs to be aware of and handle correctly.   

Please see response below from Tidal Streaming:

“I have sent your message on over to our development team for consideration.

While I cannot provide an immediate response confirming the status of your request, please know that feedback like yours is truly appreciated and helps us shape TIDAL to fit the wants and needs of our Members”.  

I selected the Tidal sort by artist on my Aurender N10 and they are out of alphabetical sequence for the third time.   The last time, one of my albums had an an album cover displayed but no content.  I deleted it and everything was okay.   It seems Tidal loses the licensing for an album, removes its content but the album cover remains (should also be deleted).

This time, I discovered 4 albums had album covers and NO content so I deleted these albums.   However, my albums are still out of sequence.   The problem is shown below:

1.  okay
2.  okay
A  okay
B  okay
C  okay
D  okay
E  okay
F  okay
G  okay
H  oaky
I   okay
J  Section contains J albums on one letter L album (I deleted this album and installed it again.  It still appear here).
k  Okay
L  Section contains L albums and one letter P album
P  Section contains 7 Letter M albums
M  Section includes five letter M albums, one letter J album, 3 letter N Albums, one letter O album and 2 letter P albums
N  Section includes three letter P albums
O  Section includes one letter P album
P  This section is missing and is listed out of sequence above.
Q  okay.  No albums listed. 
R  okay
S  Okay
T  Okay
V  Okay
w  Okay
X  Okay
Y  Okay
Z Okay  

I turned off my iPad and restarted it (power down and on again).  My albums are still out of sequence.  I scanned all my Tidal albums and confirmed they all had content.  I switched to stored CD’s and then to radio and back to Tidal.  My Tidal albums are still of out alphabetical sequence.   I doubled checked my Tidal albums from Letter I through letter P for content and they all have content.  Based on my past experience, it seems the Tidal content might be messing up the Aurender sort but I do not understand how.   I also do not know how the Aurender handles sorting of Tidal albums.  

I emailed Aurender and requested their help.  

Based on my previous sorting problems, I am guessing the out of sort by artist sequence problem might be caused by the content of some Tidal albums but this is just a guess.  The strange thing is, it seems, I am the only one experiencing this sort by artist problem.

Is anyone else having this problem?  Go to your Aurender, Tidal tab and select sort by artist.  Please review your album sort by artist sequence.  Any other suggestions?

Aurender Customer Support solved my Tidal albums out of artist sequence issue on my Aurender N10 Server.   They found the solution and fixed my issue without updating their Conductor App.  They did the following:

"Based on my explanation and the screen pictures I sent them, Aurender removed these two albums from my favorites list and added them back again.  They 2 albums are:

Wine Dark Sea – Jerry Junkin
The Snow Tiger – Larry Conklin"

In summary, the solution is find the albums which are in the wrong place, remove them from being a favorite and add them back again.

I still do not understand why I seem to be the only one having Tidal content problems that result in an artist out of sequence condition on my Aurender.   If anyone else has this problem, please let me know.  Thanks.

Aurender Customer Support is excellent and very responsive to solving support related issues.  

After the above changes, my Aurender N10 Server is now sorting my Tidal albums in correct sort by artist sequence.  All my Tidal favorite albums are in the correct sequence.

Is anyone else having this album sequencing problem?  Go to your Aurender, Tidal tab and select sort by artist.  Please review your album sort by artist sequence.  

I have asked this question before and no one has responded.  I cannot believe I am the only Aurender user having Tidal album sort by artist sorting problems.  It makes no sense (to me).  

Can anyone explain why I had 3 album sorting problem since October 2017 and, in ALL CASES, the solution was to delete 1-2 favorite albums and make them a favorite again.   This delete and restore the SAME favorite albums solved the artist sort problem every time. 

Any comments or suggestions?    Thanks..