Audio: what took so long ?

It seems everyone is reporting very positive-changes to playback -fuses, power cords, speakers. The question is, what took so long ?
My reasons:
-The Big Boys did enough (Bell Labs. etc). Radio, cinema-sound, electrical recording-methods. The Depression -1930, no more serious research.

-Shrinking market, less R&D. People started listening to headphones (late 1960s), car audio (w/ its improvements 1980s+90s), then MP3.

-Perfectionist speaker co. had other markets (1970s). Horn/waveguides dominated audio in the 50 &60s, but the market was peaking-off. So an opportunity to expand into studio-monitors, live-sound & the home-market w/ cones. Only exports (to Japan) kept the horn alive. This, while panel speakers invaded high-end, wreaking-havoc on amplifiers and ultimately going backwards on sound.

-EE engineers go into computers, microwave & networking. Audio just wasn’t fun anymore.

-Cheap parts -it took too long to understand, never mind produce, the contacts we have on connectors & fuses. Transistors, regulators, transformers also saw a leap. More study into materials and metals.

-With no serious study, how could we have (proper) speaker placement ? Or speaker stands ?

I’m proud of what’s (finally) being done. But if wasn’t for the Japanese, Danish (and maybe Germans) serious audio would have gone the way of the player-piano or drive-in restaurant.
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Don't feel bad, most threads are shot-gun affairs. If a stray pellet hits a target somewhere call it good. 

The way it starts, "what took so long" and all the rest sounds like you just could us a little more perspective. Plenty of people were doing this stuff back in the early 90's. J Gordon Holt didn't come from nothing. By the time Ted Denney released his AC Master Coupler there already were a slew of them, it was just his was so much better it sort of crossed a threshold to where a lot more could notice. But people were doing this same thing long before, and it has only accelerated since.

Where there is a legit revolution is in field control. Here though I think it is similar only in this case started with Jack Bybee. It took a while but then we had Tim and Krissy with Perfect Path, and now a whole slew of them doing more or less the same. Whether they talk about it or not.
The post was not anti-American.

It was not taken that way.  Some people just disagree with some of your points.
I think the BBC might want to make an addition or two to your original post.  Talk about historical amnesia!
Maybe the next end-lol tweak will be Musk's Neutralink. You will just "think" your system to be good! "A chunk of the human skull is taken out and a chip is put in place". Musk said the patient would then be stitched up - and you wouldn't even be able to tell someone has one". Great idea ... 🙄