Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge inconstantcy

I recently purchased an Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge and it is driving me nuts. I get inconstant readings every time I lower the stylus onto the little black dot on the plate. Without moving the arm, every time I lower, raise, lower, etc., I get a different reading between 1.68 - 1.88. The batteries are new, device reads 0.000g at start up, calibration checks out using supplied weight, room temperature is 72F, no interference from tonearm lifter and everything is level.
Anyone else have this problem?

Showing 1 response by slaw

I’ve never liked those type of scales either. The Mapleshade scale is very accurate but not great looking. Pierre has modified a jewelers scale to accept a (loooong) platform which is one of it’s drawbacks. I too use the Rega now. The Shure beam scale is very inaccurate, I couldn't believe it when I read not too long ago, MF was endorsing it.