Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.

Showing 18 responses by j_thunders

Yeah, it's ok though, I feel better after calling the guilty party a mean name in the forum. And I went around and nialed everyone that has posted in the last 72 hours with negatives. Anyone new or with Lev in their name got it twice. Took me a while, but damn if it didn't feel good!
Face it Khan, you are just a vulgar person and even those little as*terkisks can't hide the real you from us. I for one am appalled at the language found in this thread. As such, I am going to tell on all of you. You all are in big trouble when Agon finds out about this, do you hear?-BIG trouble.
I will say this about that Salvatore fella, he isn't screwin around. $1 Million an issue??? Geezopeezo, how very eye-opening; I doubt I will read ANY magazine the same as I did before. Totally juicy and gossipy. I have been meaning to read that for a while now and am glad you reminded me to get around to it Mr Khan.

My only question is why would some dummy write anything at all to him? The guy is a guerrilla sniper trained killer type that can take his time with his victims and chew them up real slow and methodical like. Never would I send word one to him if I thought I was a potential target. If I were a target, the best tactic with guys like that in the bushes is to just hope and pray he never sets his sights on me.
Some numbnuts thought I was serious in my first post. Zero tolerance on stooling all of a sudden?
Just what is the topic here? And don't you need a topic before you can go off topic? Other than the word shit, I really don't see a topic anymore. As such, I perceive no need for an apology for any variation therefrom. I do think if there ever was a topic, you two boys are nowhere near it. But that's good. Really good, in fact. I can't wait to see where this all goes.
That is too good. Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo. Sorry about the therefrom, I figured what the hell, when talking to the town barrister, why not? I damn sure couldn't go with the rest of that jumble, it was all I had left.
made bail this morning; on the way over to dekay's house to gather up the pills before he wakes up. I hope he has left me at least some good one's.
Don't worry about me driving, they pulled my DL a long time ago. Still, I think I would rather get back in my bright orange county jumpsuit before riding in Khan's taxi. Who do you think gave Dekay all those pills in the first place?

As for me and getting out, no big deal, just another day. I have a few survival secrets for going to jail. Follow these basic steps, starting with no eye contact, ever, with anyone, then:

1) For the first 12 hours act really trashed and loaded (not an act usually); nobody will mess with you if they think there is the possibilty you will throw up on them.

2) Give the biggest dude there your bologna sandwich and koolaid. The koolaid definitely hurts, but I don't eat bologna on a dare.

3) Every six hours or so (that you are awake), fake yourself out and tell yourself you just got there. This one's hard, but if you go enough you can get good at it. A similar technique can make the hunger go away.

4) Before you know it: "Time Served." And viola--here I am!

There are others, but those are the basics, try them out next time you are in. Works for me every time. :-)
Kinda harsh Katharina, don't you think? At least two or three-tracked, not just the one-track.
I thought he was a trapeze artist and tightrope walker back in the 60's. And isn't he the one that fell while walking between two buildings after a big gust of wind?
It's not the pills, it's the booze he mixes with the pills. What he drinks after I give him pills is completely beyond my control.
Ok, I'm sober now. Eyes wide open. Tonight I will sleep on my back for sure, and maybe in the corner on the floor with my back to the wall.
Gregm, good point. In fact, I didn't sleep at all last night.
And what are flittchens? Do I want one?
Detlof, if you can, try to remember those helpful jail-time hints I outlined above, they'll keep your butt from bein sore. And what in the hell are flittchens--do you eat or drink them?
I would like to buy a round of flittchens for all! Flittchens Flittchens and more flittchens. . .hey, watch it flittchen. Watson my boy, I do believe you have found a flittchen.