Ariston RD11

My Ariston RD11 recently broke down. I already spent about $300 a few months ago to get it working, and then $100 for a new cartridge. Now the power supply isn't working, and my repair shop says parts and labor will cost another $150.

Is this worth it?

I'm worried it will need more work in another six months, and I'm thinking I shld just buy a new turntable. (Am told I can get a good NAD turntable for $500 or so.)

Any advice would be much appreciated about what to do here.

(I got it for free from a friend, so the $400 I have spent so far is all that I've spent.)
might want to sell it 'as is' on eBay.
Most likely you will get a fair price.
I think you're time with the 11 should end.
email me at erie at if you want to relieve yourself of it...

Yes, the company is out of business, and parts are hard to get, and it is an old TT. But it is a very good one, on par with a Linn Sondek LP-12. So you are not going to match it with a NAD or Rega P3. The $400 you have in it is still quite a bargain, and even with the additional $150 it is still better than anything else for $550 that I can think of. I'd get it working and see if it stays fixed this time.