Are Terminals Necessary?

At the risk of sounding the simp, I'm wondering: are terminations at speaker cable ends really necessary? If I understand it, isn't the object to impose as few interferences between the source and the sound as possible? So do spades, bananas, etc. serve to improve sound or are they something else? This may sound incredibly obvious to many but I'm new to all this so I'd appreciate what ya'll got to say. Thanks and I really dig this site. Jerry

Showing 1 response by stehno

Jerry, As far as I know the only possible reason not to use bare wire (assuming it's copper) is because it oxidizes over time when exposed to the air and there-bye jeopardizing it's ability to conduct as intended.

Another reason is that some of the cables are constructed of such fine gauge individual strands of wire that they would easily break off if left unterminated.