Are audiophiles people of sound prejudice?

Since we all hear and listen to or for different things and may have different priorities is this a better description of our views.
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Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

i think not. the fact that so many people buy and sell, indicates an expectation of improvement, not prejudgment.

how can you prejudge, if you haven't heard something ?
as i think more about the concept of prejudice, i think that some audiophiles are prejudiced against components and /or stereo systems they don't like. they are closed minded when people express preferences which are at odds with their pre-conceived notions of good sound.

i have encountered many cases of this personally, because i tend to prefer stereo systems which are subtractively colored, while most prefer resolution and accuracy, and a lack of coloration.

since audio is a subjective hobby, there is no absolute better or worse sound, only different sets of idiosyncratically based criteria.