ARC Reference se

Hello guys and gals,are you still happy with your preamp,youve been a little quiet lately.Im getting there, cheers.

Showing 3 responses by hansk46

I went from REF 3 to REF 3 SE by adding the extra cap.board.
I know in the REF 5 SE also the outputcaps are changed , but as I don 't have these output caps anymore I was quickly ready.Did not swap the internal wiring.You all know the improvement by the extra
Yes different tubes do lot change , I 'm using now all NOS 6H30P-DR and the NOS TUNGSOL 6550 black plate.(also in CD7)
If you would like to swap the Russian 6H , there is now in Holland ( Europe ) available ECC 903 NOS Telefunken, they made a special tubefoot which bears two tubes , which makes
a double triode.No other parts to change , just replace the 6H tubes.
Hello forum members, I can give you the side : , take the heading componenten , at this page take the heading buizen = tubes ,at this page take the search in the right upper corner and write down
6H30P-DR , you will see a picture of the double triode ECC903 , take the artikelgegevens , there is a explanation , in Dutch , but if you send an Email in English no problem.People who have done this expensive exchange are very happy with the result.BTW ,I don't work for this company, but have let done major upgrades in my ARC stuff.